Papiermolensluis/Bridge 57 information and history
Frank V. Smit reported in his book that a stone bridge was placed in 1781. The bridge was regularly checked for its durability because of the ever-increasing road traffic and decreasing shipping traffic (cargo ships). By 1946, the Public Works Service had another investigation, which found that this 160-year-old bridge could still handle the traffic. It was also taken into account that after the Second World War, there was only limited money for refurbishing bridges and that a new bridge could possibly affect the character of the neighbourhood. However, by 1976 the bridge had to be reinforced and then again in 1991, it was given a concrete span and further reinforcements.
The bridge number can be seen on the top arch stone. The bridge in 2017 had only one, relatively narrow, span over the Brouwersgracht.
The name comes from a sign that once hung on the corner house on the Brouwergracht; a paper merchant who traded there and had a sign with “de Papiermolen” hanging on it. The bridge has also been known as the Oliekoekensluis, after the oil and pancake bakers who once had their stalls here.

Photos from the archive
1. the snowy street and Bridge 57. Collectie Bernard F. Eilers Februari 1916 t/m Januari 1918
2. Brouwersgracht 156-162, facades seen from the Papiermolensluis. Gool, Han van 1981
3. the Papiermolensluis, Brug 57. Puinschuit. Seen towards Singel, left Korte Prinsengracht Archief van de Dienst Ruimtelijke Ordening
4. Work on the Paper Mill Lock. Photo from the series ‘For the time being’, commissioned by the Amsterdam Fund for the Arts. Buurman, Lard 2005
5. Brouwersgracht met Papiermolensluis (Brug 57) Archief van Dolf Toussaint1960 ca. t/m 1965 ca.
6. de Papiermolensluis (brug 57) Gool, Han van 1981