Bridge number 26. (Brug zesentwintig) Unnamed.
Again on the ‘gentleman’s canal’. Another slightly unloved bridge that is neither named nor a monument. The bridge was unofficially designated as the Vingboons Bridge, after the architect Philips Vingboons, who designed the ‘Vingboon’ houses at Herengracht 362-370 all of which are national monuments. In 2016 however, this bridge along with many of our other bridges so far, became unnamed as all unofficial names of bridges expired. Located along the Herengracht rests yet another bridge that often goes unnoticed. This particular bridge lacks both an official name and the status of a monument, making it somewhat unremarkable. Unofficially referred to as the Vingboons Bridge, it derived its name from the renowned architect Philips Vingboons. Philips Vingboons is best known for his exceptional work on the ‘Vingboon’ houses located at Herengracht 362-370, each one deemed a national monument. Unfortunately, in 2016, numerous bridges, including this one, lost their unofficial names as all such designations expired.