Bridge 26 a little history
In the year 2016, all unofficial appellations of the bridges expired, and as a result, brug 26 remained nameless. Similar to numerous other bridges in the vicinity, a bridge has stood at this location for centuries, which is evident from its appearances on numerous antique maps. Towards the end of the 19th century, specifically within the last decade, this arched bridge with three thoroughfares was replaced by a plate bridge that also allowed for three passages. The bridge’s supports are notable for their peculiar widening form, designed to offer stability to the road surface. The gradual widening of the pillars is an architectural feature that catches the eye.
Image: Andries Jager created an arch bridge around (1867 to 1883) Herengracht seen from the Vierheemskinderensluis (Bridge 28) over the Leidsegracht to the Beulingstraat and the Vingboomsbrug (Bridge 26) between the Huidenstraat and the Wijde Heisteeg