Bridge number 14 (Brug Veertien) the Haarlemmersluis.
This was what I thought was going to be bridge 13 because it is next along the Singel north from Corsgenbrug (Bridge 12) but turned out the numbering is not as logical (although not as bad as Bridge 7 where is suddenly moves to Oude-West LOL).
By now you don’t need me to tell you then that this is a lock not a bridge. Sluis vs Brug. The Haarlemmersluis is also called the Nieuwe Haarlemmersluis to distinguish it from the Oude Haarlemmersluis, which was in the Martelaarsgracht before it was filled in in 1882.
The Haarlemmersluis is a 17th-century lock in the centre of Amsterdam. The lock is located at the eastern end of the Brouwersgracht, where the Singel flows into the IJ. The fixed bridge (bridge number 14) at the lock connects the Nieuwendijk and Haarlemmerstraat and is a popular tourist spot and large numbers of tourist canal boats pass through it.
During the refreshment of the canal water at night, the Haarlemmersluis or the Eenhoornsluis are closed; however, they are never closed at the same time, so that night-time water traffic between the IJ and the canal belt remains possible.