Noordsche Compagniebrug (Northern Company Bridge number 54) AKA Noordschebrug.
Spanning Keizersgracht #bridge54 connects Herenstraat with Prinsenstraat.
The bridge has been a municipal monument since 1995 and is named after Noordse Compagnie who had three warehouses along Keizersgracht between this bridge and the #Pastoorsbrug located to the north. Of the five warehouses, three lay along this stretch with Keizersgracht 40-44 being the only one left as the other two burned down in the 19th century.
Unlike previous bridges over the Keizersgracht, this bridge has not been returned to its “old” appearance and has all the characteristics of the bridges that were laid down around 1893. The bridge number can be read above the widening of the middle bridge pier.