Bridge 49 history and information
The Kees Fensbrug was officially named in 2009 after the literary critic who lived nearby and so is no longer simply #brug49.
The modern history of the bridge starts in the late 1970s when the municipality decided that the old flat bridge (seen in some of the archive photos) had to be restored to its former glory and the bridge was given its now arched look. Amsterdam Gemeente started replacing the bridges along this stretch and built a number of bridges that were more in keeping with the historic centre of the city so around that time #bridge44 #bridge45 #bridge46 #bridge47 and #bridge48 all had replacements in a faux old style.
Pictures from Amsterdam Archive –
1 Bridge 49 in front of the Reestraat Collectie Stadsarchief Amsterdam c. 1917
2 Bridge 49 Han van Gool 1976
3 Bridge 49 C.P. Schaap 1959
4 Keizersgracht 240 – 264 from left to right, part of the side wall of Reestraat 1 on the right, seen over bridge 49 Han van Gool 1986
5 Northwest aerial view. In the middle the Westermarkt with the Westerkerk. Bridge 49 in the bottom left corner Dienst Publieke Werken 20 April 1970