Bridge number 4 (Brug Vier) Heibrug.
Both the Heibrug and both nearby alleys are said to be named after ‘t Hayblok, a corner house that was once located here. The name Heybrug, however, already appears in the Beschryvinge van Amsterdam, its first origin from the huyze der heeren van Aemstel and Aemstellant of 1665 and is said to be related to the Heypoort or Hayepoort. The bridge was called the Strontenburgerbrug before 1606; the neighborhood stank quite a bit because of two shipyards that were located here on the connection with the Spui (then still water), which caused environmental nuisance. In the year 1606 Amsterdam started an attempt to record street names, which would later only partly lead to definitive naming.
Images from the Archive
- Singel 412 – 446 v.r.n.l., with at number 446 the R.K. Church De Krijtberg. In the foreground the Heibrug - Singel (Heisteeg), Heibrug (Bridge 4) blueprint 1852